Engaging with research – the magic bullet? by Helen Aberdeen

Background and context

Recent policy documents and reforms in teacher education have led to an ever stronger imperative for teachers and trainee teachers to engage with research. The most recent Ofsted inspection handbook (2020) for initial teacher education (ITE) describes a good curriculum as one which ‘is designed to ensure that trainees engage with up to date or pertinent research findings’. This aspiration is reflected in the Core Content Framework (CCF) for ITE, published as part of the wide-ranging reforms to teacher education in 2020. The CCF lays out a minimum level of core knowledge and skills which all trainees should acquire during their training. It consists of a series of ‘know that’ and ‘know how to’ statements, aligned to the 8 Teachers’ Standards. The ‘know that’ statements purport to be based on the ‘best available evidence’, and the foreword to the CFF (2019) encourages trainee teachers and their mentors to engage more deeply with the detailed bibliography ‘to support their critical engagement with research.’

Alongside this imperative for teachers to engage with research is, somewhat ironically, a body of evidence giving reasons why they are often reluctant to do so. Writing in 1997, Hancock observed that, in terms of research, ‘the great majority of classroom teachers remain uninvolved. They shy away from seeing themselves as researchers and they are reluctant to write about their teaching practice.’ (p86). His study revealed 4 main reasons for this lack of engagement which, in my experience as a teacher educator, resonate every bit as much with classroom teachers as they ever did: teachers’ perceptions of their status, working conditions, teacher confidence and difficulties engaging with outsiders’ research methodologies. A later study by Gitlin, Andrew, et al (2005) also discussed the issue of status – framed as a perceived power imbalance, with teachers seeing themselves as on a lower plane than researchers. The authors also discovered a perception on the part of teachers that researchers were out of touch, and that they tended to produce ‘one size fits all’ solutions which did not acknowledge wide differences between classroom contexts. A study by Guerrero-Hernández, Fernández-Ugalde, Gitlin et al (2020), provides further insights, adding barriers such as a lack of understanding of research methodology and perceptions of conflicting information.

Development of research toolkits

Against such a backdrop, this short paper describes a novel approach to engagement with research which was piloted at the University of Bristol School of Education in 2023-24 and which, it is hoped, may hold the key to removing some of the barriers described above.

Up until 2024, the School of Education ran a subscription-based service called the Education and Policy Research Service (EPRS) which provided monthly summaries of key policy and research documents. I directed this service until July 2024, at which point a decision was made to archive summaries from previous years and offer the existing database as an open access resource. Although I was always aware that the simple fact of producing timely research and policy summaries may go some way to supporting engagement with research, I felt a need to provide something more. To this end, an ‘EPRS toolkit’ was developed in 2021 and was annually updated over the course of the following 3 years. The main aim of the EPRS toolkit was to provide trainee teachers and the staff who train them at school and university with a thematic list of summaries which would be of particular relevance, supplemented by discussion sheets with guided questions for focussed study and group discussion. I have used the EPRS toolkit on a regular basis with my cohort of modern foreign language trainees over the past 3 years with encouraging results. Feedback from my trial session in September 2023 was overwhelmingly positive. Trainees variously commented how working with the toolkit had ‘helped embed what I had been reading’, how it was ‘more dynamic since we were working together in groups and we shared ideas’, and how ‘we were more involved in the task and it encouraged more critical thinking’. All of which was music to my ears.

With the publication of the CCF, I decided to use a similar format to produce a second toolkit with the aim of facilitating engagement with the extensive bibliography underpinning the ‘know that’ statements – a somewhat daunting task in view of the fact that there were 139 articles (111 excluding duplicates) to explore! Working with my colleague Nicola Warren Lee, I read each article and produced a short summary if its contents. My colleague and I then worked on creating a colour-coded index of the articles, ascribing one of 3 colours to each, based on relevance, robustness and clarity. We were aware that this process had a large element of subjectivity, but were keen to provide at least a benchmark which would serve as a starting point for stakeholders in view of their considerable time constraints.

From the reports deemed to be the most robust and relevant (those with a green coding), two were selected for each of the 8 Teachers’ Standards. A two-page summary of the selected article was produced and was supplemented by an additional resource, based on the original EPRS toolkit discussion sheets. This resource contained: pre-reading discussion questions to engage participants with the theme; a reminder of the CCF statements related to the article or report; a set of factual and evaluative questions for group discussion; and a set of follow up questions and/or activities based on the contents of the article.

Toolkit trials

Following the publication of the CFF toolkit in 2023, it was introduced to our Professional Tutors (PTs) (senior members of staff who oversee all trainee teachers within a school) at our annual PT conference in June. Based on positive initial feedback, I proceeded to organise a trial in the autumn term of 2023. PTs from two large state schools agreed to take part. I suggested two items from the toolkit which could be used – these were ‘What makes great teaching?’ (Sutton Trust 2014), and ‘Antecedent strategies to promote appropriate classroom behaviour’ (Kern and Clemens, 2017). The participants were provided with a range of suggestions for running the sessions according to participant numbers and time available. Following the trial, both PTs filled in a short questionnaire and a semi structured interview was conducted with one. Questionnaire responses were overwhelmingly positive: both PTs reported that participants had engaged with the session ‘very well.’ Both felt that the activity was ‘very effective’ in terms of enabling participants to engage with research, and both felt that they would be ‘very likely’ to use the toolkit in the future. Remarks in the open response section of the questionnaire expanded on the potential benefits of using the toolkit. The first PT appreciated ‘the clear links to the CCF, and how the article could be applied to their own practice and experience so far, it felt similar to how I normally present and deliver which is more of a flipped learning approach.’ She also highlighted the value of having a research article on which to base the session ‘so there was more of a theoretical approach.’ The second PT highlighted the way in which the toolkit approach was ‘more interactive’. The in-depth interview conducted with one of the PTs provided further insight into where the toolkits could be used more widely in schools: ‘I’m thinking of where I can use it elsewhere in the school team….. with CPD, I can see how it can be used I think it would be great to use for example….we’ve got a teaching and learning group…, as most schools have at the moment… so finding one (a toolkit item) relevant to one we’re looking at’ (PT1).

Both the questionnaires and the interview yielded valid methodological suggestions for further work with the toolkit. The plan which I had given PTs aimed to cover reading and discussing the toolkit in the same session – one of the PTs commented that this was over ambitious, particularly given the different reading speeds within the group. She concluded that ‘next time I might get them to read it before the session’. This is an idea which I have subsequently adopted with my own cohort and which has worked well. It introduces an element of ‘flipped learning’ to which a toolkit-based approach easily lends itself well.

Integration of the toolkits into the University of Bristol PGCE programme
Since the pilot, both toolkits have been further integrated into the Bristol programme. Within my subject area, I have continued to adapt a ‘toolkit approach’ in place of a traditional lecture. More widely, articles from the toolkits have been integrated into our Educational and Professional Studies programme and into the Intensive Training and Practice Days (ITAPs) which became a mandatory feature of all ITE programmes across England in the academic year 2024-25. Julian Brown, our ITAP development lead at Bristol, states that ‘The CCF and EPRS Toolkits have fed directly into the design of a number of our ITAP sessions in substantial ways’. He goes on to highlight their value: ‘alongside the content of their clear summaries and consideration of research strength, they provide a wonderful set of exemplars of informed, critical engagement with literature, which PGCE students can carry through into their own engagement with a variety of sources, and their structured discussion guides are directly applicable to both group activities in our ITAP sessions and to independent, preparatory engagement with literature. Both content and process have proved to be rich contributors to students’ development’.

It is my belief that the toolkits have proved their worth in removing some of the barriers to teacher engagement with research outlined at the start of this article, most notably perhaps in terms of overcoming time constraints and negative perceptions of relevance. And it is my hope, that moving forward, they may prove to be a cost effective and efficient way of introducing research to teachers at every stage of their career.

End note

The archived summaries which were produced by the EPRS between September 2010 – July 2024 can be accessed here. The EPRS toolkits are available to purchase by following this link to the online shop. A sample of each toolkit (summary and discussion sheet) can be accessed here or email eprs-admin@bristol.ac.uk.

Department for Education and Education Endowment Foundation (2019), ITT Core Content Framework. Available at:
Gitlin, A. et al. (2005) The Struggle for Legitimate Knowledge: Teachers’ Thinking on Research. Counterpoints, vol. 275, 2005, pp. 111–28.
Guerrero-Hernández, G.R. and Fernández-Ugalde, R.A. (2020) Teachers as researchers: Reflecting on the challenges of research–practice partnerships between school and university in Chile. London Review of Education, 18 (3), 423–38. https://doi
Hancock, R. (1997) Why are class teachers reluctant to become researchers?, British Journal of In-service Education, 23:1, 85-99, DOI: 10.1080/13674589700200009
. org/10.14324/LRE.18.3.07
Ofsted Initial teacher Education (ITE) inspection framework and handbook (2020). Available at:

Link to a sample toolkit items from the EPRS and CCF toolkits

Helen Aberdeen
Senior Lecturer in Education
PGCE Subject Lead, Modern Foreign Languages

Reading for Pleasure in German at A Level: an interview with Professor Katrin Kohl by Cathy Shail

As part of the literature review research for my doctoral study, a phenomenology into reading for pleasure at A Level in German, I conducted an expert interview with Katrin Kohl, Professor for German literature at the University of Oxford.

Her book Modern Languages – why it matters was of great interest and there were some ideas she raised that I felt were relevant to my study. I was also eager to glean the perspective of a modern linguist on the topic of reading for pleasure and second or third language acquisition.

The questions I designed were aimed at exploring her views on the reading for pleasure process, its impact and role in language acquisition as well as meaning-making. The A Level literary curriculum and examples of accessible reading in German for young linguists were other aspects upon which I was equally keen to seek her opinion.


Imagination and meaning-making

I asked Professor Kohl about her views on the effects of reading. She explained that reading activates the imagination and allows us to be transported into eras or worlds that we may never have been to as “there’s nothing visual, no visual inputs to guide what we ‘see’ in our mind’s eye. It’s all coming through the mind really because you’re translating words into something that becomes the world you are experiencing through the eyes of the characters.”

We then explored the importance of language and meaning. She expounded that it is not so much that the meaning resides in the language, but that the language acts as the means of structuring what you conceptualise. She gave the example of time, which is conceptualised and expressed differently in different languages, thus prompting you to think differently about it. For example, an experiment in psychology discovered that speakers of Mandarin tend to use more vertical metaphors when talking about time than speakers of English, and that this corresponds to a greater tendency to conceptualise time in vertical terms. For her, this meant that learning a language gives you an insight into different ways of thinking “encouraged by the language and one can then explore further, and find out how this manifests itself in literature.”


Reading for pleasure and teaching literature in another language

The conversation progressed onto the topic of reading for pleasure in another language. She elaborated that “if you are learning another language which is not your native medium, you are already stepping out of your ordinary world and going beyond boundaries, so the unlocking of a door into another world is something that is already happening.”  She expanded that “you experience it most effectively if you then read in that language, read about a world the language belongs to.”

She acknowledged that not having to expend effort on reading meant that the reader can “enjoy imbibing what it is that comes into our heads through that process.”  However, she pointed out that the pleasure can also come from different aspects, for example, “puzzling things out, or doing it in a group, or perhaps through translation […] or reading parallel texts.” We then reviewed the current A Level prescribed texts lists in England and moved on to talk about complex multi-facetted, yet linguistically accessible, book recommendations she had for adolescent readers in German.


Moral imagination and cultural insight

When I probed further about the deeper impact of reading, she reflected that this can “differ culturally”, with reference to fairy tales which were used in the 19th century in Germany “as a means of training moral attitudes and the difference between right and wrong.” She identified that literature does still fulfil that role to a considerable extent because “it enables us to empathise with some characters more than others and we develop a sense of what is good and what is bad. And that might be more, or less, obvious and more, or less, complex.” She pondered that “the older we get, the more we’re able to negotiate the complexity and that becomes then something that’s very useful for teaching, in so far as, a group can discuss the complexities, the different characters, what they contribute, what has led to their downfall or their success and so on.”

She also highlighted the role of the imagination in activating the creation of worlds that one has never been to: “I think foreign language teaching […] when one is teaching about eras in the past, enables us to imagine what it means to live in that age […] in that sense, that can be a way of discussing what that era was like and what the pressures were […] also giving quite a deep insight into another culture, into another world, into another way of living.”


Meeting Katrin, preparing for, conducting and transcribing the interview was a throughly enjoyable experience. As a doctoral candidate, I would recommend reaching out to experts in your fields of interest as part of the process of reading for your literature review if you can. It certainly turned out for me to be an incredibly useful sounding board for foundational ideas for the study. Particularly as there was little in the way of existing UK based literature that brought together the topics of reading for pleasure, German language acquisition and the development of moral imagination in particular.

The Oxford German Network, run by the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Oxford, linking schools, universities, organisations and companies interested in German-speaking countries, has also kindly agreed to be a gatekeeper for the study and will help to disseminate the research flyer amongst pupils and teachers in its network.

By Cathy Shail

Where will the Religious Education (RE) Teachers come from? Supporting a new generation of RE ‘TWOs’

Blog Post by Dr Victoria Bowen & Dr Janet Orchard

There is a shortage of RE teachers which must be addressed urgently if schools in England and Wales are to meet their statutory responsibilities to provide the subject to all pupils aged 3 – 18. The shortage is longstanding and well-documented; the government’s recruitment target for new secondary RE teachers has been missed in 11 of the last 12 years, despite energetic lobbying by stakeholders, and continues to be ‘masked’ by schools and policy makers. The National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE) has gathered unambiguous evidence over time of schools systematically flouting their RE-specific legal responsibilities.

The re-introduction of a bursary for those training as secondary RE specialists in 2023-4 is welcome, but too late and insufficient on its own to address the problem at scale. In March 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) withdrew funding for RE-specific Subject Knowledge Enhancement courses for trainee teachers, further undermining the likelihood of a suitably prepared workforce. Furthermore, a response by the minister for schools to a parliamentary question revealed 51% of secondary teachers of RE spend most of their time teaching another subject, that is the one in which they are trained to teach as a specialist, leaving them to plug gaps in the workforce, and to varying effect.

Unsurprisingly, overall standards of teaching practice continue to be poor, with honourable exceptions. Ofsted’s newly published RE subject report ‘Deep and Meaningful’ (April 2024) found that across primary and secondary schools most statutory non-examined RE was of inadequate quality. Lessons were insufficient, it concluded, for pupils to “make sense of a complex world where aspects of religion and non-religion hold various places in the lives of its citizens” (OFSTED, 2024).

Why the shortage of RE teachers matters

Within a few weeks of being elected in July 2024, the new UK government faced its first big political challenge as civil unrest broke out across England, following inaccurate online reports that a so-called ‘Muslim migrant’ (he was neither a migrant, not Muslim) had attacked children in Stockport at a holiday dance and yoga club. RE is commonly identified as a key subject that promotes knowledge and understanding of different cultural and religious beliefs, and which prepares students for their future as global citizens. Taught well, as one part of a broad and balanced curriculum, good RE can develop multiple transferable skills, including critical thinking and analysis, empathy and cultural sensitivity and imaginative insight. Not only does RE teach students to disagree well around controversial issues, it could promote community relations (see the Shared Space project), prepare our nation’s young people to be well informed and thoughtful about religious and non-religious traditions that shape the world (Ofsted, 2013). It could, were there sufficient specialist RE teachers to achieve this.

Good RE has a part of play in promoting warmer community relations, but this is not the only aim or purpose for the subject. As well as being an inherently fascinating and worthwhile academic subject, when taught by conscientious specialist teachers, quality RE can contribute to pupils’ cultural development more widely, in partnership with other subjects. Interpretation of literature, art, music, history, architecture, all draw to some degree on religious and cultural literacy. Moreover, recent moves in the subject community to develop its academic rigour and to ensure that it is relevant to the needs of all pupils by including ‘worldviews’ alongside religion are key moves to shake off the image of RE as being like Sunday School. Contemporary RE, where it is taught by specialist teachers isn’t like that.

The DfE (2024) have ambitions to “drive up academic standards so that children and young people in every part of the country are prepared with the knowledge, skills and qualifications they need” and should include all compulsory curriculum subjects in their vision. Given the newly elected UK Government’s mission to reform childcare and education systems to remove class ceilings on the ambitions of young people in Britain, it should be reminded of RE’s track-record in being egalitarian (Fisher Family Trust). Pupils are twice as likely to do A Level RS if they come from a disadvantaged background and go on to do better in their public examinations than in other subjects. Despite many significant publications over the decades endorsing the major contribution RE has for children and young people, the unrealised potential of the subject remains.

What support do RE teachers need?

With these challenges in mind, an invitation-only symposium was held at the University of Bristol in June 2024 to address the problem and identify the professional development needs of those 51% of secondary teachers of RE trained in another subject specialism. Mindful of a previous project undertaken in the 1990s by NATRE and Brunel University, we have chosen to categorise this group of teachers as ‘RE TWOs’ (Teachers with Other Specialisms). We are realistic about the special challenges faced, but distance ourselves from the deficit language of ‘non-specialists’.  Currently, RE TWOs must transform into subject specialists with minimal in-service professional development to both teach, and even lead, RE in their respective schools. Too often, TWOs covering RE may be chosen because of their religious commitments, undermining efforts to be more academically rigorous and inclusive.

Now is the time to engage with the ongoing importance of high-quality RE teaching in English schools and the imperative for investment in this area. The DfE spent £0 on RE projects between 2016 and 2022, while Maths received £154 million. Ofsted (2024) has recognised how a lack of coherence in the subject has negatively affected leaders and specialist and non-specialist teachers of RE. The absence of any government-funded infrastructure to support them has only served to compound problems that already existed, notwithstanding the sterling efforts of stakeholders to fill the gaps through voluntary effort and charitable funding.

Thus, teachers’ subject knowledge has not improved. The legacy of poor subject and pedagogical knowledge, scant training and a lack of clarity about RE content persists. In too many schools, the RE curriculum is poorly constructed, poorly implemented and poorly learned (Ofsted, 2024), compounded by a shortage of subject specialist RE teachers. 25% of RE lessons are being taught by teachers with no post A-level qualification, with overall numbers falling by 1800 (-10.9%) since 2011. RE teacher recruitment in England is now a post code lottery, with the East Midlands and the North East particularly badly affected. [1]

Despite everything, 70% of parents continue to have a positive opinion of the subject, recognising the role RE plays in preparing young people for life in the modern world (RE Policy Unit, 2018). Ofsted (2024) note how an ambitious RE curriculum, taught well, has a long-term positive impact on pupils’ lives, yet without serious attention, how can its potential to support pupils making deep and meaningful sense of the world continue to be realised?

RE needs government funding to address this issue at scale. The valiant efforts of various subject associations, organisations and networks, including those charities currently filling the funding gaps, need to be better supported. Our immediate concern is local and national training and support programmes for RE TWOs, notwithstanding the need to recruit and retain new specialists in the future. Support for RE TWOs needs root and branch reform, through co-ordinated specialist support, including funding, to develop their professional knowledge and pedagogy.


[1] Key findings from a report on the shortage of subject specialist teachers for religious education (The Religious Education Policy Unit, 2018)

TLC Collaboration Grant: “It’s not my exhibition” Youth voice and citizenship at post-16

Blog Post by Pen Williams

Reflecting on the time I spent in Sparks Bristol with the exhibition of photographs by the participant-photographers who worked with me on my doctoral project, the phrase “It’s not my exhibition” is probably the one I uttered the most.

The project picked up on preliminary interviews that I had conducted with post-16 leaders in the Bristol area on the challenges of delivering citizenship education to post-16 students. While there is no statutory guidance for delivering citizenship at key stage 5 in England, the Department for Education (DfE) does place importance on citizenship, and it is acknowledged as a key ‘life skill’ for post-16 learners (Craig et al 2004). Despite this, post-16 leaders generally felt that time and logistics, subject knowledge, and practitioner confidence were key challenges to delivering citizenship and expressed sadness and regret over the lack of time spent on global and environmental topics. Overall, there was a tension between a will to ‘do more’ and a lack of resources and opportunities (of all kinds) to do so.

The subsequent intervention was therefore designed to engage small groups of post-16 students in a creative workshop-style exploration of citizenship. Participants were asked to represent themselves (Strack et al 2004) as citizens and communicate the matters they identified as important through the creative process of photovoice, enabling a response which represents them without restricting them to a text, thus promoting engagement (Grant et al 2009).

Photovoice is a method of gathering data which involves participants documenting and representing their experiences through the generation of photographic images and the stories attached to them. As a research method it is particularly accessible to young people due to the use of digital images and technology for sharing and commenting on these images. It has proved very effective in engaging young people, especially from (but not limited to) urban contexts (Delgado 2015). It has also been shown to promote community and civic engagement. The project ran with 6 groups across 4 education settings in the local area, involving more than 50 post-16 students. The photos were taken, titled, captioned and shared with the group in order to begin to identify themes.

The focus on voice and engagement which is central to photovoice as a participatory research method culminates with a public sharing of the photographs and the accompanying text in an exhibition – giving voice to the participants and facilitating consideration of issues of their civic and community engagement (Powers et al 2012) as global citizens.

Having worried about the logistics – financial, practical and aesthetic – of the exhibition from well before there was anything to exhibit, this final stage felt somewhat ambitious and a lot like a leap of faith. I felt strongly that the participants in the project should have the opportunity to contribute to a public exhibition, but I could not see how this would be possible given a lack of funding – at least to a standard befitting the time and personal investment the participants would be committing. Enter the TLC collaboration grant which enabled me to rent the space, pay for printing and display materials and provide refreshments at the event launch on July 10th.

It is hoped that in developing this small intervention where participants can step back, reflect, and take time to consider themselves as citizens and what this means for their local, national, and global priorities they can engage with issues outside of their geographical and generational experience. The exhibiting of their photographs provided a forum to give them voice and spark wider recognition of young people’s concerns and priorities.

To see all the images exhibited at Sparks, visit the online gallery https://citizenshipgallery.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/the-bigger-picture-and-the-everyday-online-gallery/


CRAIG.D.K.R., WADE. P. AND TAYLOR.G. (2004) Taking Post-16 Citizenship Forward: Learning from the Post-16 Citizenship Development Projects. NFER

DELGADO, M. (2015) Urban Youth and Photovoice: Visual Ethnography in Action. Oxford University Press, Incorporated

DfE (2023) 16 to 19 study programmes guidance: 2023 to 2024 academic year. Available at: www.gov.uk

GANT, L.M., SHIMSHOCK, K., ALLEN-MEARES, P., SMITH, L., MILLER, P., HOLLINGSWORTH, L.A. & SHANKS, T. (2009) Effects of Photovoice: Civic Engagement Among Older Youth in Urban Communities, Journal of Community Practice, 17(4), 358-376, DOI: 10.1080/10705420903300074

POWERS, M. C., FREEDMAN, D. A., & PITNER, R. (2012) Final snapshot to civic action: A photovoice facilitator’s manual. University of South Carolina School of Social Work

STRACK RW, MAGILL C, MCDONAGH K. (2004) Engaging Youth through Photovoice. Health Promotion Practice, 5(1), 49-58



We are not alone: Doctoral learning is social, by Hsin-Chi Huang

The word academy is like a label spread around the world. As legitimate peripheral learners in academia, doctoral students aim for a full member or a master member in the whole community of practice. Doctoral students are living in the space- between old-timers and new-timers; between novices and seasoned scholars; between fully online and face-to-face learning. It is intriguing to delve into doctoral students’ social learning space with a more holistic view as our minds, formal and informal learning contexts, and online and offline environments constitute each other.

Is loneliness the nature of doctoral students’ learning space? In fact, I have found there is a coexistence of solitude and cooperation in the doctoral journey. In the digital era, when various new technologies expand the connectedness and networks expand connectedness and networks, I feel the role of social learning in doctoral learning is getting more critical. From the perspective of the theory of social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), knowledge is constructed within social activities and learning takes place in the daily interactions with others. Learners create and negotiate meanings through different activities in an active and inquiry-based way. Learners jointly co-create their reality and develop the professional knowledge body with multiple perspectives. Furthermore, according to social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), humans learn through observation, interactions, and modelling as we are social animals.

Nevertheless, doctoral learners’ social learning seems to be unique. We do not have fixed schedules like undergraduate and master’s students do. We spend much time doing our study alone. It does not mean social learning does not happen among students. Instead, doctoral students’ social learning happens in a specific way, which can be explained by the concept of situated learning from the theory of community of practice (Wenger, 1998). I am finding it useful to consider doctoral students as a group of legitimate peripheral learners in academia. Beyond our individual projects and outside some core skill and required classes in the early stage, as doctoral students we seek wider support from different layers and types of communities of practice within and outside academia. The networks are supporting us intellectually, socially, and emotionally, having great influences on our whole doctoral learning trajectories. The social connections play an important role in our identification with the scholarly community, facilitating our mental wellbeing. In addition, the social space has become a part of a hidden curriculum embedded in their doctoral learning.

From the Wengerian view, learning is doing. In the dynamic learning process, doctoral learning shapes our identity as doctoral students. Through legitimate peripheral participation, doctoral identity is a kind of ‘third space’ (Bhabha, 1994) since we are already a member of academia to some degree but have not achieved our full goals yet. This in-betweenness reflects the ambiguity of doctoral students’ status as a trainee or an apprentice. I analyse doctoral students’ learning experiences as a contextualised social phenomenon, and our legitimate peripheral participation identifies how we grow from newbies/novices to seasoned researchers by situated learning within multiple layers of practice. The communities in which doctoral students participate in can be institutional, culture-based, language-based, and common interest-based. These connections help us produce knowledge together, get socialised, and cultivate a sense of belonging and a doctoral persona. However, every community of practice required maintenance for sustainability. Overcoming diverse obstacles together in the academic odyssey relies on regular and meaningful connectedness. Support systems may not always be a defaulted part of the pedagogy offered, but we can be active in creating the social networking opportunities we need.

With portable technologies as a conduit for virtual communities of practice, doctoral students’ identity formation and belonging development become more expansive, fluid, and dynamic. Throughout education, we are traversing the spectrum of experiences that include identification and belonging’, ‘dis-identification’, and ‘dis-belonging’. This nonlinear socialisation unfolds within the regime of knowledge and happens when we cross boundaries to approach other landscapes of practice where boundaries are considered a learning asset. In the realm of doctoral education, there exists a decoupling of teaching and learning, implying that the act of learning is not soley a direct outcome of instructional efforts.


Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Bhabha, H.K. (1994). The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press

Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity.UK: Cambridge University Press


Date: October 16,  2023

Soundscape blog 2: A thought piece on some questions that have arisen in the process, by Rachel Helme and Michael Rumbelow

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

This philosophical thought, often attributed to George Berkeley, considers the manner of sound and perception, does sound exist outside of the listening ear? Using funding from the TLC Research Centre, we are trialling ways to record and edit the soundscape of a school, using the School of Education as a test case. However, some of the questions that we are grappling with are these: What is a soundscape? Whose soundscape are we recording and when? What about ‘human created’ sounds, such as footsteps, encounters between the fabric of the building and the visitor? Research into otoacoustic emissions suggest that our ears make sounds when listening (see, for example, Shera, 2022). If sound exists in relation to the listening ear, can the school have a soundscape or are there multiple layers of soundscapes? Should we say OUR soundscape or MY soundscape? If we are focusing on sounds in the periphery of consciousness, whose cognitive and emotional responses are being considered?

Thinking reflexively, there are inevitable consequences of relying on our own listening ears as researchers, our own personal responses that affect the process. The sounds recorded depended on the recording devices and studies show that we are affected by inaudible, hence unrecordable, hypersonic sounds (see, or example, Kawai et al, 2022). Further questions arise that ask: What sounds are recorded? What sounds exist that we, as the researcher team, have not previously been aware of? How can we capture what we do not know exists? How can we be in the moment, hear what there is to hear, rather than what we expect to hear? How do we deal with silence, which could be said to have no sound but can be impactful as part of a person’s soundscape?

The challenges of recording a soundscape are the dilemmas of what to include and exclude, what is known and not known, what is heard and not heard. It could be argued that a soundscape exists in the act of listening to sounds rather than the sounds themselves, the responses that a person has and the memories and/or affect that are invoked. Not objective but subjective, a tapestry of sound, listening and response.


Kawai, N., Honda, M., Nishina, E. et al. (2022). Positive effect of inaudible high-frequency components of sounds on glucose tolerance: a quasi-experimental crossover study. Sci Rep 12, 18463 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23336-0

Shera, C.A. (2022). Whistling While it Works: Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions and the Cochlear Amplifier. JARO 23, 17–25 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10162-021-00829-9

A poem

                                        Thoughts about soundscapes

                                                       lead to


                                       A sound scape


                                                                  yours or mine?

                                      Listening ears

                                                   Lack of knowledge?

                                                                 In the moment?




                                     A tapestry



School of Education Soundscape, by Michael Rumbelow and Rachel Helme

Along with planes and the hubbub of restaurants, many of the sounds of school were temporarily silenced during the pandemic lockdown: the energetic high-pitched shouting of primary school playgrounds, the end-of-class bell, the squeak of a teacher’s marker pen on the whiteboard. And there were also silences in schools that were silenced – the particular bookshelf-muffled quality of silence in libraries, and the echoing, chair-drag-punctuated silence of the exam hall. Often unrecorded and on the periphery of conscious awareness, these sounds are a key aural element of the school environment, and may affect us emotionally and cognitively, as do the immersive sonic experiences of a forest or a beach or a videogame, giving us subliminal audio cues and triggers.
While there is some nascent research literature on the role of the aural environment in schools (Hytonen-Ng et al, 2022; Lum & Shehan Campbell, 2007; Shu & Ma, 2019), we felt that the recent lockdown highlighted how fragile and ephemeral these soundscapes are, that they can not just change but disappear almost overnight. Recently we successfully applied for a small grant from the TLC Research Centre to develop a method for gathering recordings of these sounds, using the School of Education building as a testbed. The aim is to trial ways of recording and editing the sounds of a school – involving the school community if possible – and to publish the results as a ~20 minute audio podcast.
In contrast to the verbal language usually attended to in the lectures and seminars that take place in the building, we do not intend to record any identifiable voices. Instead we will focus on the non-verbal sounds, of doors, lifts, shuffling feet, faintly buzzing lights, the silence of the library (and the deeper silence of the bookshelf area), the tolling of the Wills Memorial bell and the songs of the birds of Berkeley Square (including any nightingales!) Nearer the time, once we have ethics approval, we will advertise when and where we will be recording in and around the school, and ways of participating. In the meantime if you have and questions, comments or suggestions of sounds to record, please let us know!
Hytonen-Ng, E., Pihlainen, K., Ng, K., & Karna, E. (2022). Sounds of learning: Soundscapes-teacher perceptions of acoustic environments in Finland’s open plan classrooms. Issues in Educational Research, 32(4), 1421-1440.
Lum, C. H., & Shehan Campbell, P. (2007). The sonic surrounds of an elementary school. Journal of Research in Music Education, 55(1), 31-47.
Shu, S., & Ma, H. (2019). Restorative effects of classroom soundscapes on children’s cognitive performance. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(2), 293.

‘TLC pamphlet’ – from idea to distribution in just 40 days!

Victoria Bowen, Harriet Hand and Alf Coles

It all started with an idea… a seed of something indistinct… a way of acknowledging the kaleidoscope of research work happening daily within the Teaching Learning and Curriculum (TLC) community at the School of Education, University of Bristol. A group of three formed and we mused …

One of us shared this take on the idea of a pamphlet:

“One has complete freedom of expression, including, if one chooses, the freedom to be scurrilous, abusive, and seditious; or, on the other hand, to be more detailed, serious and ‘high-brow’ than is ever possible in a newspaper or in most kinds of periodicals… Above all, the pamphlet does not have to follow any prescribed pattern. It can be in prose or in verse, it can consist largely of maps or statistics or quotations, it can take the form of a story, a fable, a letter, an essay, a dialogue, or a piece of ‘reportage.’ All that is required of it is that it shall be topical, polemical, and short.” – George Orwell, in an introduction to the British Pamphleteer

And so, a seed was planted.

An invitation went out to the TLC community to contribute to a pamphlet that would showcase and connect the diversity of research happening in the research centre. This first pamphlet would be aimed at teachers and, in defining a pamphlet, would take inspiration from Orwell giving authors complete freedom of expression. We hoped the pamphlet would help connect some of our research to a those working close to practice.

Two weeks later, following a brief editorial process, the first ‘TLC pamphlet’ was curated with a range of contributions, images, and links to other work. A further two weeks welcomed its publication with the aim of helping the diverse perspectives and research interests and activities of the Centre reach a wider practitioner audience through distribution to the School’s PGCE students. We asked each PGCE student to read the pamphlet and then give it to a teacher in their placement school.

A seed was now a sapling, with hopes of one day becoming a tree, rooted and established in the teaching and learning community. A step towards this will be the publication of issue two in the summer.

Issue one of the ‘TLC pamphlet’ can be found here. There are some spare hard copies at the reception desk of 35 Berkeley Square. If you would like to contribute to future issues, we welcome submissions from postgraduate researchers and academic staff. Or, perhaps, you would like to be part of the editorial team. Contact: victoria.bowen.2018@bristol.ac.uk.

“Leaky spaces for Climate Change Education are not enough for Bristol’s young people”

By Mrs Michelle Graffagnino, Senior Lecturer in Education, and Dr Nicola Warren-Lee, Senior Lecturer in Education.

After attending a Bristol Education Partnership Climate Change event at City Hall in Bristol, Nicola and Michelle recall the brilliance of the student contributions, the passion of the senior leaders and the ambiguity of the attending DfE representative.

City Hall in Bristol is impressive.  Even more so on a crisp autumnal morning full of enthusiastic school students armed with posters, and a cohort of beginning geography teachers ready to take their first steps into a microteaching event on climate change curriculum improvement in October 2022. The Bristol Education Partnership (BEP) had organised a climate conference to showcase individual schools’ climate change initiatives and to bring students to take part in workshops on different areas of climate action.  The School of Education, PGCE Secondary Geography group were there to support discussions on how the curriculum that students follow could be changed, improved and linked together.

Reflections on the day for school students

Young people don’t need to be told to think ’blue skies’, they just do.. A snippet of their ideas from the morning includes:

  • write climate change speeches in English
  • look at the industrial revolution and link to climate change in history
  • explore the fight against climate change in France/Spain; helping to understand climate change as a worldwide issue
  • meat-free Mondays
  • Walk + Wheel; an initiative to get more people walking and cycling
  • lesson time on empowering voices; encouraging their student climate voice

Full of ideas, they heard from Mya-Rose Craig in the afternoon whose recently published book ‘We Have a Dream’speaks of Indigenous people and people of colour who are disproportionately affected by climate change, yet often are not heard in global conversations.

The opportunity then came for a speaker from each school group to voice their concerns and offer strategies to the audience in the Grand Council Chamber at City Hall.  The students were passionate and articulate in voicing their aspirations for climate change to be at the heart of the curriculum, school and wider communities. The school students, representing the 14 BEP schools, ended the day by listening to Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, discussing council-led initiatives and how each city and their communities should be the focus of grassroots climate change initiatives to have the impact needed at a global scale.

Reflections on the views of senior school leaders

What was clear from attending the working lunch with senior leaders of the BEP schools is that there are different priorities across very different contexts. In feedback to the Bristol City Council, some school leaders present wanted quicker planning permission to make school site changes, some wanted acknowledgement that the current government showed complete ignorance of the day-to-day concerns of their student population, including their climate anxieties. One headteacher suggested they (the BEP) collectively reject some of the government guidance on what to teach/what not to teach (referring to guidance on being apolitical in classrooms).  Senior leaders present suggested taking a ‘Bristol Approach’ to the curriculum, featuring social justice and climate concerns at the heart. For our part, we spoke of a climate curriculum in schools which was research informed, joined-up and incremental. We emphasised it is not a case of a one size fits all approach, instead each school’s Climate Change Curriculum should include the context of its young people and their communities. The Climate Change Education Research Network (CCERN) was (re)introduced and all senior leaders showed interested in working with academics from the University of Bristol in helping to shape their school curricula going forwards. This is something we have trialled and hope to develop further (see Cabot climate project).

Bristol’s One City Climate Strategy states that, ‘We will move faster than the national average, learning with other cities on our journey. This strategy sets the vision for where we need to be in 2030 based on sound science’.  It is clear that Bristol’s schools must lead the way in creating and modelling a ‘fit for the future’ curriculum, one which uses robust and available research evidence on climate change and climate change education. This is something which we, as a university, are calling for as well (please see PolicyBristol).

Reflections on the views of a strategic lead

In attendance was Jonathan Clear, Chief Sustainability Officer at the Department for Education, who agreed to join the climate conference to hear the students’ ideas and to find out more about what Bristol is doing in response to the climate crisis. He spoke of “flexibility in the curriculum” to deliver a quality climate change education for Bristol’s young people. National curriculum documents that are “slow to change”, as he put it, can be enriched and enhanced by utilising this flexibility. Orchard et al. (2016) encourage teachers to discover and create ‘leaky spaces’ in the curriculum to explore and reflect on normative ethical inquiry – we wondered if Jonathan was referring to something similar.  If so, this raises many questions:

  • How do (head)teachers know when, where and how to flex their 950 (ish) hours of curriculum time across the year to ensure the students are ready for living in, and positively contributing to, life in a net zero world?
  • Aren’t all of the ‘leaky spaces’ often taken up with a knowledge-rich (heavy?) curriculum, post-pandemic literacy interventions, and an increasing need to evidence certain types of performance, etc.?
  • Doesn’t leaving climate education down to inclination seem irresponsible and woefully inadequate?

Jonathan Clear has agreed to attend a future CCERN meeting so perhaps we can follow up these questions with him in the near future


Michelle Graffagnino and Nicola Warren-Lee

Many thanks to Dr Lucy Wenham and Dr Simon Brownhill for their encouragement to write a blog via the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum










Collaborating on mathematical modelling with A-level groups, in response to sustainability challenges

This blog post reports on recent work that has been supported by a TLC Research Collaboration Grant; the grant supported us in moving from interesting interdisciplinary conversations within the University to a practical exploration of a possible route for further development and we share here an overview of what has been undertaken and some reflections on what we see arising from the process.

There is sometimes a sense from literature of research projects arising from theoretical deliberations in a clean, almost inevitable sequence of steps. This short inquiry is an example of a project emerging from an unfolding conversation that flowed around an area of common interest, following possibilities as they emerged. The conversations drew on insights from colleagues in the School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (CAME) and the Department of Engineering Mathematics as well as the School of Education. Making links between mathematical thinking and issues of global challenge (including, but not limited to, climate emergency) touched on intentions to prompt, in both learners and teachers, an awareness of putting the ‘documented curriculum’ for school mathematics to use in contexts that have a direct connection with questions of global and local interest and concern.

The particular aspect we explored here connected the development of outreach work by colleagues in the School of Engineering Mathematics with teachers in schools within our PGCE Partnership. New modelling prompts were developed collaboratively and then used with groups of Year 12 (16-17 years old) students. We looked to capture these teachers’ reflections on their own learning arising from the process of using such materials, in order to guide further efforts to enact in schools approaches to working with mathematics that support engagement with issues of precarity.


Funding through the TLC Research Collaboration Grant supported us bringing together teachers of mathematics in schools and academic colleagues in the University. We met with participating teachers, colleagues in the Department of Engineering Mathematics to work on and refine the tasks that would be taken in to schools. The resulting materials were used in two schools by the teachers involved, with members of the School of Education joining as observers. The final phase was a debrief discussion between the teachers and one of the observers, looking to capture reflections on the experiences and insights into further classroom work. The TLC grant supported release time for the teachers, as well as production of the physical materials and enabled us to meet together.

We explored three tasks in our first meeting – fuel sources for sustainable car journeys (If we powered all the cars on the M4 using biofuels grown on the verge of the road, how wide would the verge have to be?), algorithms for decision-making related to recycling household materials (How effective might a machine learning algorithm be at making decisions for recycling household waste?), and an exploration of publicly-available air quality data collected around Bristol. The significance of doing these tasks together as a group of educators was strongly apparent, provoking for us awarenesses of the tasks themselves and of our individual emotional responses. There was significance for each of us in having this space and time, which resulted in refined versions of each of the prompt tasks.

The next phase was to make the tasks available to students in schools. Each of the two teachers independently chose to work with the task based on fuel for car journeys, (15 students for 90 minutes, 12 students for 100 minutes). The school sessions were facilitated by the teachers, with members of the School of Education acting as observers to support the reflective conversation that followed with the two teachers shortly after the teaching sessions.


Several themes emerged from the participating teachers as we reflected together on experiences from schools. Beyond details of how the materials might be refined for further use, there was commonality in reflections on students experiencing a strong sense of difference between these sessions and their expectations of A-level mathematics lessons, both in terms of ways of working and the focus of the tasks. The teachers identified that they saw these sessions as opportunities to stimulate students’ collaborative working; indeed, both had planned their sessions to make use of groupings and structures that were different to usual, in terms of both who students worked with and how they were working. Whilst there was nothing in the tasks themselves that required such changes, the prompt of unfamiliar materials and an emphasis on mathematical modelling proved a sufficient perturbation for the teachers to bring to the foreground some of their underlying values and beliefs about engagement, communication, collaboration and the role of mathematics education at this level. Both teachers reflected on their own enjoyment of working with students in ways that drew on what the students brought to the contexts and noted that individuals in each group who did not generally contribute in class were offering ideas and participating spontaneously. Both teachers felt that the novelty of the ways of working were combining with the focus on issues of sustainability to create spaces where many students felt it was possible and appropriate to draw on information they had from engagement with environmental issues outside of school contexts. Alongside this, some students expressed a sense of disquiet that this was not ‘real maths’ or not sufficiently related to the A-level course to warrant lesson time. Whilst we are not seeking to offer here an evaluation of the materials or their use, we do observe that teachers and students experienced a strong sense of difference in the content and process of these lessons. The shared reflections on this short inquiry feed into our ongoing explorations of how the enacted curriculum in school mathematics might support and equip learners in these precarious times and how we might continue to be part of connecting education in schools, universities and contexts beyond our institutions.

The role of a TLC Research Collaboration Grant

Whilst the financial support of the Research Collaboration Grant has been valuable for this short inquiry, the structure and visibility of a specific award has generated and sustained momentum in this short inquiry. It has facilitated the involvement of teachers in schools, who have always more tasks to do than time to do them, and has supported visibility of their contributions within their schools in ways that are tangible and explicit; at the same time, the award of the grant has helped maintain the visibility of moving from valuable conversations with colleagues to practical action. In a previous TLC blog post, Caroline Ormesher has written about spaces in which “ways of knowing bump up against each other and the boundaries between them dissolve” and this description feels helpful in describing the work discussed here, allowing our engagement with pressing issues, interesting conversations and explorations of tangible responses to travel alongside one another and feed into further work. We thank the Research Centre for their support and would encourage others who are exploring conversations with colleagues in and out of the University to consider applying for Research Collaboration Grant.

Blog post written by Julian Brown